Our Pre-K program focuses on a variety of different skills to help prepare your child for Kindergarten.

Our curriculum introduces your children to a variety of different topics. The language arts curriculum that we use for this age group is the Rowland Reading Foundation, Happily Ever After. We also use a phonics program that helps the child to identify beginning sounds and short vowel sounds as well as writing in a journal on a regular basis.
We have the children trace and print both letters and numbers. Each month a class book is shared with the families and each child takes a turn taking it home and reading it with their families.

For math we concentrate on rote counting, reverse counting, counting by twos, fives, and tens. We introduce the children to measurements, time, and the value of money.
At the end of the year the children participate in a recognition program to celebrate all of their accomplishments throughout the year.

To learn more about our pre-kindergarten program, please contact the center and schedule a tour.
For better communication with your child's teacher, download the HiMama APP.